Dr. Maria Clara de Diego
The project consist of the building of a group of medical doctors and educators from Hospital Universitario Austral of Buenos Aires, available for five days to provide medical assistance and education in the Northern part of the country.
The inhabitants of these areas suffer from several skin conditions that result from both genetic predispositions and environmental factors such as sun exposure and dry weather. The project is an original network developed between the Hospital Universitario and the communities of Molinos and Seclantás, including local hospitals, schools, local authorities, and using digital communication.
The actions conducted are medical assistance (free medical consultation), free medical and nurses training, sun protection and skin disease workshops and first aid measures workshops.
The initiative started in 2005 and more than 3 500 consultations were provided. In terms of education, the applicant has noted that a great part of the community has incorporated habits of sun protection measures and of local doctors consultation for routine care.
The applicant would like to use the grant to extend the dermatological care beyond the areas already covered and to develop a telemedicine platform between the two main cities of the Northern area – Molinos and Seclantás – and Buenos Aires, involving general doctors, nurses and educators.