Dr. Rabindra Baskota
The initiative is a contribution to the implementation of the National Leprosy Strategy of Nepal by the government.
It includes conduction of awareness campaigns on skin health, school campaigns and free skin health camps, education of the community about leprosy and about the importance of social inclusion of Persons affected by leprosy.
The main goal is to achieve zero leprosy in Nepal which is indicated by zero disease, zero disability, zero transmission, zero stigma and zero discrimination.
The project involves participation of Women Health volunteers, it helps to increase women treatment access and to reduce their stigma.
Since the launch of the project in 2017, more than 5,000 patients benefitted from the initiative.
With the grant, the applicant would like to develop the project by increasing the stigma and discrimination reduction campaigns to all districts concerned by leprosy and to work further on community based rehabilitation.
[Photo by Madhushree Narayan on Unsplash]
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